Election Results
From a county perspective.
Trump won 3084 counties while Hillary only won 57 counties (46 of which were in NY). By my counting, 3084 is 54 times more than 57.
From a state perspective.
Trump won 30 states while Hillary only won 20 states. Again, by my calculations, 30 is bigger than 20.
From an electoral college perspective.
Trump passed the 270 goal and made it to 306 electors while Hillary with only 232 electors didn’t even make required 270 goal Once again, by my calculations, 306 is larger than 232.
In order for an election in the size of America to be fair, each state has to have an equal say. That is what the electoral process is about.
By counting only the popular vote as the deciding factor means that the only largest states (Ca & NY) will always decide the results and this is not fair to the other 48 states.
Democrats and liberals talk about equality all of the time so they should be the first to understand how the popular vote only produces inequality. It’s unfortunate that their
tunnel vision about winning at all costs has blinded them from this truth.
The election process may not be perfect but it is a pretty good system. If you just apply some critical thinking for a few moments, people will realize this. You can’t change the rules
of the race after it has finished. Perhaps after people’s emotions have settled down we can discuss this situation like adults