First Contact Radio -March 20, 2013
First Contact Radio 3/20/13 Show #868 hosted by Joshua Poet
Cosmic Weather
Moon Phase
Mayan Oracle
UFO News
BREAKING: Mars Life? – Lizard Creature Found | NASA JPL SunsFlare News
UFO Sighting Of Three Orbs Over Toronto, Canada On March 2013.
UFO hovering over Cottonwood, Arizona? March 2013
Small Fleet of UFOs Filmed Over Dublin, Ireland
UFO recorded from a plane window above Virginia on 18th March 2013
UFOs, CIA and Kennedy Assassination
Daily News
3MIN News March 20, 2013: Jersey Quake Event, Coronal Hole Coming
Question Everything ~ The Higher Mind & The Ego..?
Obama use school shooting to disarm America (prediction from 2010)
DHS Insider update: It has begun
Feinstein’s Gun Ban Bill Crumbles
Janet Napolitano Asked About DHS’s 2,700 Armored Trucks
Rotten to the Core: The Feds’ Invasive Student Tracking Database
What’s really in vaccines? Proof of MSG, formaldehyde, aluminum and mercury
Oklahoma House Passes Bill to Ban UN Agenda 21
Halliburton official destroyed notes of cement test related to Gulf oil spill
Crystal skull; a work of the aliens?
Hitachi Says Data Lives Forever in Quartz Glass
Closing Prayer and Meditation
Relax – Buddhist Meditation Music – Zen Garden – Kokin Gumi
WakeUp by UFOetry
Fair Use, educational purposes
Josh, I do not think you are racist. Just remember that being called a racist by someone who is black or brown is because you are white Racist is a another way of saying they are anti-white.
I am a proud white Christan, and I like what you talk about, you are a good man, You know you are far from racist,, you are very Liberal, I still love brother don’t let the haters bring you down.